1 definition by S_t_G (Steege)

Short for The Matrix Online. A MMORPG that finally shows us how gay and stupid Everquest and World of Warcraft are.
EQ Guy: OMG!!11!! My lvl 39 purple transexual Orc's magic staff of Endor will pwn you all!!!!111!1!!!

MxO Guy: Dude, Shut the fuck up. Nobody cares. Everquest is for faggots. You live in your mother's basement. And besides that, MxO is better because you can actually use guns in MxO!

EQ Guy: Wel... my Orc would kick your guy's ass!!!

MxO Guy: Again, you're a faggot. I really hope you die.
by S_t_G (Steege) March 9, 2005
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