10 definitions by Richard Munch

"magic" stick, as spelled by a moron.

See urbtards.
Gee, if I hadnt quet skool in the fifth grade to be a crak deelr, maybe I cood spell magic stick gooder.
by Richard Munch December 7, 2004
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a.k.a. "liquid asshole" for its ability to turn ordinary people into giant pricks.
Dude, I wanted to kill John Kerry last night. He was being a bigger dick than usual thanks to the liquid asshole.
by Richard Munch December 2, 2004
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A white guy that so wishes he was a jigaboo, he corn rows his hair just like Allen Iverson.
A tool at my gym has corn rows just like a vanilla iverson.
by Richard Munch December 8, 2004
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