115 definitions by Ray

A DJ company from Japan that makes top of the line mixers, and turntables for DJ use. They are famous for their high end battle mixers used widely by scratch DJs.
The DJ down the street has a Vestax mixer.
by Ray October 30, 2004
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Hala means hi in Arabic
Hala whoever is reading this.How are you?
by Ray February 19, 2005
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Prison(College in N.Dartmouth Mass) military based, fucking shit holl hell. 'same 4 walls, day in, day out'
'Shit, you went to M.M.A. right?'

'Yea, thats y I make 80g's a year now, but I gotta wonder if it was worth it, I almost died their, it took away my soul'
by Ray September 11, 2004
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used by Dustin's grandpa, when in giant he likes to use this term
Giant seafoods associate-" hi can i help you" Dustin's grandpa- ( Rudly interuptting) IS THIS FRESSHHHHHHH???
by Ray February 3, 2005
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Slang for breasts, named after Big Brother 5 UK contestant Shell Jubin.
Did you see Page 3 today? Shell's got her jubins out.
by Ray August 23, 2004
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1. very built or diesel; ready to fight at anytime.
2. manly or big
3. an excesive use or amount of something
1. You mad brawlic.
2. That chik is brawlic.
3. That fat dude's plate is mad brawlic.
by Ray March 16, 2003
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I fucked the Biyatch last night, but i treated your mom good.
by Ray March 15, 2004
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