11 definitions by Quitelate

1) People who share unattractive things in common such as trainers, slang, shops and approaches to doing certain things (curse you out over the simplest things). Typically reside in London areas.

2) Also a song by the band Pulp.
1) Common people use words like "init", "blood" and "mans". Common people have no originality.I'm so glad im not a common person!

2) "I want to live like common people,
I want to do whatever common people do,
I want to sleep with common people,
I want to sleep with common people,
like you."

by Quitelate April 2, 2006
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A disgusting word used by Common people that means to go out or meet someone. It usually implies going out and then fucking or doing stuff afterwards.
dirty boy: can mans link you?
Skank: yeah call my phone init
dirty boy: safe

Only people with no self respect use this word.
by Quitelate June 7, 2006
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I agree with the above definition. It is also a song by The Strokes.
by Quitelate September 7, 2006
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The WORST subject you could ever pick for GCSE. The teachers are about 5 years older than you which means they don’t know what the fuck their talking about. And if you thought you had any chance of passing this pathetic subject the coursework will ruin any chances of you getting a decent grade because its pure shit and isn’t even written properly.
business studies is a waste of time cause you learn a bunch of stuff that has NOTHING to do with the coursework
if you chose it your fucked!
by Quitelate June 7, 2006
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