11 definitions by PooPoo Garbage LLC

When you cooperate so poorly that you're basically engaging in sabotage. Named after the game QWOP in which the pkayer character QWOP can hardly walk without extreme effort.
"What else do you want me to do man, I'm cooperating?"
"Na dude your work on this is trash. You're QWOPerating."
by PooPoo Garbage LLC May 25, 2022
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A throwaway phrase best used to make annoying/boring/stupid people think you're crazy, and therefore to get them to stop talking to you.
"Yo did you see last night's football game?"
"Sometimes I cry when I poop"
by PooPoo Garbage LLC February 28, 2022
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Schlumpadumpf - noun - the state your boy is in when he’s wasted as fuck and laying on the floor and making absolutely no sense. May also be used to refer to the individual himself.
“Yo what’s the move fam
“I’m schlumpadumpf
by PooPoo Garbage LLC February 3, 2019
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A demon in feline form which has successfully hacked natural selection by manipulating the dominant species. The most prevalent and destructive invasive species known to man, cats wreak havoc on songbird populations, ruin indoor air quality and kill humans with Toxoplasmosis and Bartonella infections worldwide. Prolonged exposure to their Toxoplasma bacteria will cause humans to lose their will and become cat thralls over time.
"My cat clawed my daughter's face off yesterday. It was her fault for moving so suddenly and thankfully the cat is ok."
- a cat thrall
by PooPoo Garbage LLC May 25, 2022
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A facemask worn by covidiots in a situation where masking serves no purpose. Failure to senselessly apply your own facey pastie may result in intense verbal backlash, regardless of your distance from others.
"Don't disgrace me by being so hasty with your lacy facey pastie."
by PooPoo Garbage LLC November 22, 2020
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The hour immediately following Happy Hour.
"Let's get some Happy Hour drinks tonight!"
"Sorry guy, you just missed it."
"Aww... guess it's Sad Hour then."
by PooPoo Garbage LLC May 31, 2022
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The American Midwest. Named the Flyover Zone due to the fact that many people will fly over the region without ever visiting. Likely because the midwest fucking sucks and there's barely anything there but cornfields and retards.
I used to live in the Flyover Zone. Now that I live on the East Coast it's like I'm in paradise.
by PooPoo Garbage LLC August 20, 2022
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