31 definitions by Pipe Downn

Stupid to the extent that you can't even spell the word itself.
That dude is so stoopid that he spells the word "stupid" with two "o"s.
by Pipe Downn November 2, 2008
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A fake turd.

Derived from combination of sham and poo.
I thought the dog had managed to crap in the bathroom cabinet, but it was just shampoo.
by Pipe Downn March 22, 2010
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One who "spanks the plank", "mangles the monkey", or otherwise "chokes the chipolata."
Why no, Robert - there's nothing wrong with being a devoted plankspanker, as long as you are in a faithful, committed relationship with yourself.
by Pipe Downn July 9, 2009
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Totally insane; insane enough to fuck a bat.

May be used adverbially as an intensifier (e.g. "batfuck crazy") or on its own as an adjective.
You little sister is completely batfuck crazy. She was trying to smoke a coathanger.

Yea, she's totally batfuck man.
by Pipe Downn October 10, 2008
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Like a weiner only smaller.

A very small penis.

Named in honour of popular singer Justin Bieber, a small weiner believed by many to have an extremely small penis.
Q: I heard Justin Bieber's weiner is just a bieber. Can that be true?

A: Yes indeed: modern science has shown it to be negligibly small.
by Pipe Downn November 13, 2010
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Someone who acts like a complete and total asshole.

A person who has excessive regard for rules and authority.

Someone who is so full of shit that they might accurately be said to be hogging it.
Look at that kid over there. He's got four pencils all sharpened to exactly the same length, a slicked-down side parting, and yesterday he went to the principal cos two of the guys were smoking out the back.

Probably spend his entire adult life giving out parking tickets.

What a shithog!
by Pipe Downn October 2, 2009
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A retard who plays the guitar.

Pronounced "g-ee-tard" - with a hard "g", and emphasis on the "ee" sound.

Applies particularly if excessive guitar-playing has caused or contributed to the retardation.
Chuck has been playing Smoke On The Water for the last seven hours.

What a guitard!
by Pipe Downn October 12, 2008
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