17 definitions by Phrigajiblenoghip

An additional rim, often costing thousands of dollars each, that is placed on a seperate axle from the wheel, and, after gaining momentum from the aztual wheel's spinning, will continue to spin regardless of weather the vehicle is going forwards, backwards, or is standing still.
Spinners are, however cool looking, rediculously expensive

-The greatest, most intelligent move the devil has ever made is making us believe that he doesn't exist...
by Phrigajiblenoghip May 24, 2004
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The slightly biased view of WWII, which started in 1939, when Hitler declared war upon Poland. Later, in December, 1941, the US legally declared war upon Japan. A day later, the remaining Axis powers declared war upon the US.

The US fought in the war until its end. It gave huge assistance in the D-Day invasion, and ended its war, and the Far East's war with Japan, which was the only Axis power that far east, by dropping two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in order.

Before the Pearl Harbor attack, The United States gave HUGE assistance to the Allied European powers, particularly in the way of money, food, weapons, and other important resources.

So, in fact, if it weren't for America, the European Allies would have, theoretically, fallen apart without the resource and militaristic support (allowing for the Nazis to take over all of Europe and effectively wipe out almost every singe person with Jewish heriatige on this planet), and a considerable amount of Eastern Asia would belong to Japan.

America may have been able to take care of itself if this did happen, maybe not, but it can be assured that if it weren't for America, every European (save the Switz, who were neutral, as they owned the world's banks) would be speaking German and hailing Hitler, and most, if not all, of the billions of people in Asia would be speaking Japanese and curisng America with every other breath.
The American view of WWII, although slightly inaccurate, is mostly true.

-The greatest, most intelligent move the devil has ever made is making us believe that he doesn't exist...
by Phrigajiblenoghip May 24, 2004
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The name for any object, place, happening, word, thought, person, group, name, date, group of people, group of happenings, group of thoughts, group of places, group of objects, group of groups, group of names, or group of dates that the person who is referring to them cannot, at that moment in time, come up with, or know, the real name of the object, place, happening, word, thought, person, group, name, date, group of people, group of happenings, group of thoughts, group of places, group of objects, group of groups, group of names, or group of dates.
"What's this thing?"

"This thing?"

"Yah, that thing."

"This thing is a car."

"Oh that's what that thing is?"

"Yes, that's what that thing is.
by Phrigajiblenoghip May 24, 2004
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Poli: Many
Tic(k)s: Bloodsucking creatures.
= Many bloodsucking creatures.
Why is it that mankind will tear down a living leader, but revere a dead one? See George Bush.

-The greatest, most intelligent move the devil has ever made is making us believe that he doesn't exist...
by Phrigajiblenoghip May 25, 2004
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1. An aggravated hair on an elephant's butt.

2. The substitute for someone's name when you don't quite know it properly
-The greatest, most intelligent move the devil has ever made is making us believe that he doesn't exist...
by Phrigajiblenoghip May 24, 2004
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Doomed and condemned to a life in hell.

By defenition, hell is a place of eternal torment and fire. Beyond a fathomable human pain. A sea of fire, filled with burning people on the brink of what would be a natural death, but who never die. A total absence from God, comfort as retreated to a safer place, relief is such a painful thing because it is so close, but impossible to reach.

Imagine going to the California coast, and looking out at a clear ocean, no boats yet, because it's 7:00 AM, only the little old lady collecting shells.

Now imagine that whole ocean as a sea of fire, filled wih the stench of burning flesh and brimstone, including, instead of the few jumping fish, and awesome number of people using their last vestiges of strength to escape this eternal torment for but one fraction of a second. The constant sound of the sea washing against the shore is replaced by unimaginible amounts of screaming, people in so much pain as to simply see it would cause even the least emotional Gothic to break down in tears end never stop waking up screaming in bed for the rest of his life.

Now imagine the greatest pain you've ever experienced in your life. Couple it with the pain of even one limb being burned, then multiply it by a billion. Then add to it the fact that this pain, this torture, that you would normally withdraw from to a safer place, will never subside, no matter how much you cry, weep, confess, and curse.

A place made by God as a punishment for the rouge angel Lucifer (see Satan), who some people senselessly worship. Satan is bringing as many people down to this unimaginable torture as he can by introducing sin into the world. Songs, movies, and the internet are his outlets. He has caused people to believe that hell will be a big party, full of drinking, sex, and other forms of sinful fun, even causing some to commit suicide to get there.
-The greatest, most intelligent move the devil has ever made is making us believe that he doesn't exist...
by Phrigajiblenoghip May 24, 2004
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