74 definitions by Peter Kobs

1. Someone who constantly flaunts his ownership of the new Apple iPad. Pad Lads feel compelled to "demonstrate" the system complete strangers, whether they're interested or not.

2. One of Steve Jobs' techno-hypnotic minions.
I know you're a Pad Lad, David. Everyone's very impressed. But can we please talk about something else?
by Peter Kobs June 2, 2010
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1. An old car that doesn't qualify for the $4,500 cash trade-in incentive from the government because it gets more than 15 mpg.
2. The sudden realization that your old beater vehicle is lost in the twilight zone between "generally worthless" and "totally worthless," forcing you to keep driving it for another year -- at least.
"I just looked up the mileage for my 1996 RAV4. The stupid Junker Flunker gets 16 mpg, which means I won't be getting any of that government cash after all. Drat!"
by Peter Kobs July 29, 2009
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1. An angry, sometimes violent, demonstration against health care reform at the local level.

2. A mob that turns out at a Congressional "Town Hall" meeting to oppose the President Obama's health care reform initiative. Many such mobs are organized in advance by conservative lobbying groups supported by the pharmaceutical and insurance industries.

3. A loud, boisterous act of political opposition designed to overwhelm the conversation about health care reform by using shouting and physical intimidation.
John actually supports health care reform, but he wasn't able to speak because the Town Hall Meeting turned into a Health Care Riot.
by Peter Kobs August 7, 2009
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1. A person who is especially "adroit" at using the Android operating system from Google -- a powerful OS designed for cell phones and other mobile devices.

2. Showing talent, skill or cleverness in the use of the Adroid OS, particularly in the development of new mobile applications.

3. The next wave of geek multi-millionaires.
"Oh, Jeremy, you're such an Androit! Do you work for Google or do you just have some sort of weird innate talent for mobile apps?"

"I was born to hack code. Stick with me, baby, and we'll change the world."
by Peter Kobs March 1, 2010
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1. Someone who stands to gain power, influence or funding by spreading fear in the general population. 2. A sophisticated type of 21st century fear monger who uses PR methods to generate panic, doubt and free-floating anxiety. 3. Dick Cheney and his ilk.
Thanks to that Fear Profiteer in Wyoming, all shampoo bottles will be banned on U.S. flights.
by Peter Kobs July 17, 2009
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1. What happens when an over-confident basketball player tries to make a spectacular flying "dunk" but fails to score.

2. The kind of show-boating that enrages college coaches.

3. An embarrassing act of athletic incompetence.
Coach: "We would'a won that game if Hakeem hadn't tried that ridiculous dunk flunk in the second period. Arrrggghhh!"

Athletic Director: "I think I'm going to be sick now."
by Peter Kobs March 26, 2010
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1. A term frequently used by politicians when accused of something scandalous. It means: "I did it, but as long as there's no smoking gun I will deny it completely." Most such scandals involve illicit sex, bribery, influence peddling or misuse of public funds.

2. A worn-out public relations phrase that nobody believes anymore. Nixon's famous remark -- "I am not a crook" -- sounds positively Shakespearian in comparison.
"The accusation is categorically false!," said South Carolina Republican Nikki Haley. She is accused of having an "inappropriate physical relationship" with the governor's former press secretary.
by Peter Kobs May 24, 2010
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