24 definitions by Noodles

the opposite of gem. something that sucks or is horrible. Bad.
-Dont be such a brick!
-Benzie is an absolute brick.
by Noodles May 27, 2004
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A drummer with a green mohawk and is called ollie. He occasionly lies down on a table and pretends to be a shark. Hence the name: Mad Ollie
hey, you meen mad ollie? *jaws music*
by Noodles April 20, 2005
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What a certin cartoon character says when he/she is suprised. In stead of Oh my god! or omg
shufferin shuckatash! Its a badger!
by Noodles April 20, 2005
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Short for wordbonosaurus/word. An swelling of the male member by the circulation of blood, also known as an erection. Used to refer to an erection in public.
1. You see that girl? She got major hotential, and gave me a massive b-rex.

2. Damnit, why did i wear sweatpants today! Now everyone can see my massive 8 inch b-rex!
by Noodles April 3, 2003
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To take a handful of flour and throw it in somebody's face while they are sleeping (preferably with a hangover). With the addition of recent technology, documentation of antiquing has increased tenfold. Popular doumentation methods include photography, but better yet, video.
1. Let's go antique his ass!

2. Frank got antiqued SO bad, we even got it on video! Oh shit lemme see.

Person1: Oh shit I can't believe you guys did this... shit man.
Person2: You got yo ass ANTIQUED frizank!
by Noodles April 3, 2003
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1) One who masturbates. Jack
2) An Idiot or fool
3) Asshat
2: "Dude, you're such a fucking wanghandler."
by Noodles February 20, 2003
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