38 definitions by Natasha

A very masculine woman, who will come on to every lady in sight.

The name derives from the film 'Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance Kid.
God Nicola keeps coming onto me, she is such a Butch Cassidy.
by Natasha November 26, 2003
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A loser and scapegoat who is always the target of being made fun of in large groups.
by Natasha August 12, 2003
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when you shit into a condom and use it as a dildo
using a shildo in your ass is REALLY taking a dump.
by Natasha March 16, 2005
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donia, a gorgeous creature, not of this earth, but a seductive faery. She lives to tease, yet can capture u with just a look of her eyes. she can be happi and freindly, and angry and dangerous. aka.... dangerous beauty.... she can also be an angel
"I have to so fuck her one of these days"

"Am i still drooling?"

"Chris's angel"
by Natasha March 30, 2005
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Austrian gay journalist portrayed by comedian Sacha Baron Cohen (see Ali G, Borat). Hosts a fashion show and travels to such glamorous places as Arkansas and Alabama, cheerleading in American football games and making fun of fashion designers, hairstylists, et al. Appears on "Da Ali G Show".
Bruno recently visited a gun show in Arkansas where he asked why shooting is so popular among gay men.
by Natasha August 22, 2004
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One who can take a long-term view of things, but doesn't wait for anything, and thus will leverage all his bets accordingly.....
fill his plate so to speak...etc..
he can build a factory, knowing that the ROI may not come for many years, but will not accept excess losses, and lost time, but instead run effectively and efficiently
he is usually indiff. to quarterly profit reports....etc....
Asking to describe a rishist in one sentence is like asking someone to define a supreme being in one sentence.

by Natasha October 5, 2005
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Sucking someones dick. (IE: smurfinsmurfette ... Smurfette was a whore, sucking can be turned into smurfin)
That bitch is a real smurfin smurfete.
by Natasha February 2, 2005
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