11 definitions by Nat Rator

1) The part of the body containing sensory organs and brain.
2) The front or top part of something
3) Magnificent 1968 psychedelic movie starring the Monkees.
1) He punched me in the head.
2) The head of the flagpole was round.
3) Head.
by Nat Rator July 4, 2003
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Slang term for marijuana, coined by Micky Dolenz (of the Monkees) in the late 1960s.
Micky used to tell kids that "Frodis is cool", and the kids had no clue what he meant, so they just agreed.
by Nat Rator June 12, 2004
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A poor mountaineer who barely kept his family fed,
But one day as he was shooting at some food,
Up from the ground came a bubbling crude. (Oil, that is. Black gold. Texas tea.)
by Nat Rator June 19, 2004
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A website run by a deranged minister (sometimes referred to as the CapA-Loser) who rates movies with a system he claims is "infallible" but often turns out the wrong score based on the fact that he doesn't really pay attention to the films he rates.
No one died in Lilo & Stitch, so the CapAlert score on the page for that movie cannot possibly be correct.
by Nat Rator May 26, 2004
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The mental state one is in after being hypnotized.
The music genre was named after this mental state.
Donnie's therapist put him in a hypnotic trance to examine his subconscious memories.
by Nat Rator May 28, 2004
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A preservative sometimes used in frozen food, particularly western-style Chinese cuisine.
Can cause headaches or other symptoms in some consumers.
I only eat Chinese food fresh at restaurants, because the MSG in the frozen meals makes my head throb all night.
by Nat Rator June 19, 2004
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1) See all above definitions EXCEPT the racial slurs.
2) Robot from MST3K with long, snakelike neck and large purple head. Has a large flashlight for an eye. Female by programming, Gypsy is responsible for SOL maintenance and making sure Servo & Crow do their chores.
"Gypsy, did you make dinner yet?"
by Nat Rator June 7, 2004
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