13 definitions by Mr. CAMeleon

The bubbly, chipper, peppy, exuberant, merry, joyful, effervescent, jovial, blithesome, noticeably happy, smiling person
Person: hey Matthew Brandt looks happy today
by Mr. CAMeleon August 18, 2022
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He’s pretty quiet but whenever he has something to say it’s funny but like stupid funny
Elijah Rhonemous has a lot of random questionably true facts today
by Mr. CAMeleon August 18, 2022
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I can never spell her name right. She smiles literally all the time and gets a lot of credit for her excellent marching wether she deserves it or not. If anyone gets recognition instead of her, she gets lowkey offended but hides it. This definition is 100 hundred percent biased against her.
Person 1: Who is that random girl? She’s smiling for absolutely no reason. It’s literally storming outside
Person 2: That’s Summer Aurelian. She’s never not smiling
by Mr. CAMeleon August 18, 2022
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“Let’s go to Disney and wait 5 hours in the new Star Wars ride” -Matthew Lahti
by Mr. CAMeleon August 18, 2022
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Person 1: Who is that girl singing along to the minions soundtrack
Person 2: Oh that’s Camilla Fabian
by Mr. CAMeleon August 18, 2022
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He’s a very cool bass player but one time he showed up late to our 6:00 am meeting at dunkin
Can I get a bacon egg and cheese on croissant” -Sammy Weindorf
by Mr. CAMeleon August 18, 2022
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Alex Nott is a sarcastic person. Never make a stupid remark around him because he’ll make you look like even more of an idiot.
Yesterday I forgot my math homework and Alex Nott made me look stupid
by Mr. CAMeleon August 18, 2022
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