11 definitions by Mr Flibble

the kind of leaf eating, cardigan wearing, lentle munching hippie that thinks that you are satans spawn for owning a car and eating meat.
preaches freedom and tolerance but will not accept any veiws but their own.
usually stoned off their box and stuck in the 60's
if they have a car it will be a 2CV.
they smell of compost.
femail variety usualy called Roz
Road protesters,
most college lecturers,
social workers,
ken livingston
by Mr Flibble April 20, 2004
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another part of tonys masterplan.
everytime i work at a factory i have to watch some piss poor video telling me not to stick blow torches up my nose.
entirely designed to avoid being sued by the terminaly stupid and fuck all to do with safety.
method statement! i'll give you a method statement. i know how to do the job, you dont, thats why you are paying me to do it.
making me write it out in triplicate will not make me any safer. lets face it you wont understand a fucking word anyway you pen pushing desk pilot bastard.
example: making me wear a hard hat when working in a man lift platform. im the highest thing for 20 miles whats going to fall on my head? bird shit perhapse?
by Mr Flibble December 27, 2005
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A woman that goes beyond bushpig teritory and should really come with a goverment health warning.
A deffinate 10 pinter
example Ann widecome
by Mr Flibble April 18, 2004
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a town that used to have industry but now just has kebab shops and townies.
stuck right in the middle of the beautiful cheshire countryside like a festering zit.
dont know where Crewe, VA is(see other definition) but dont move to crewe cheshire either.
by Mr Flibble December 27, 2005
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A person from stoke on trent.
So called because one of the main products of the area is pottery.
could of been worse, the other main product is toilets.
I've got nothing against jug heads but I just wish they would stop calling everyone "me duck"
by Mr Flibble April 18, 2004
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a word used by the regular army to describe the T.A
abreiviation of "stupid teritorial army bastards"
also known as the S.A.S.A.S.A.S
(saturdays and sundays and sometimes after school)
look at them stabs, not one of them under 20 stone
by Mr Flibble April 20, 2004
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posh persons definition of yobbo
caruthers was in such high spirits last night that he knifed 3 commoners
by Mr Flibble April 20, 2004
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