28 definitions by MoonCricket

1: a pupa of a butterfly/insect
2: a protecting covering; a sheltered state or stage of being or growth
A budding writer could not emerge from his chrysalis too soon.
by MoonCricket February 17, 2005
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Verb. To selfishly hold on to something. Jocular usage heard amongst smokers of marijuana.
Come on Frank! Don't bogart that joint, we all want to get stoned sometime tonight.
by MoonCricket November 26, 2004
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The year most popular with introducing the human race to "Generation Zero". As in zero flaws of any kind ..... to ALL MAN KIND born of that year.
Savi: So, when is your baby due?

Kenya: Well, I selected to have a Fall birth with the Gnome Laboratory ..... Right now I'm looking at November 5th, 2015 between 5 and 9 PM.
by MoonCricket February 9, 2005
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Inhaling marijuana smoke trapped in a toilet paper roll or similar device.
Luke: Hey, get that toilet paper roll out of the garbage for me.

Suzzy: What for .. ?

Luke: Trust me ~ you'll love this. I'm gonna give u a steamboat.
by MoonCricket July 23, 2005
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The lips of a woman's vagina. Not just any lips...the ones that are GREAT big like a turkey gobbler.
DAAAMMMNNN...look at the pissflaps on your mom. She could hang christmas ornaments on them things.
by MoonCricket June 18, 2003
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This is a special time accociated with smoking marijuana. A universal ritual were everyone sparks up their joint, blunt, pipe, or bong at exactally 4:20 pm.
Alright everyone ..... we all know it's going to be 4:20 pm soon. Who wants to start breaking up the herb.
by MoonCricket July 23, 2005
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How spanish folks say you are going to die. How spanish folks warn you to stop doing something dangerous.
If you don't stop playing on that ledge you gonna get died !
by MoonCricket March 20, 2014
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