1223 definitions by Mike

A "magazine" of advertisements, with the occasional article of value. A great example of corporate America using the entertainment industry as puppets to try and peddle their bullshit wares.
by Mike August 26, 2003
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a girl that is very hairy, gross, fob, and named marina.
dude, wtf eddie just kissed your marder your farder. EW!
by Mike October 31, 2004
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The act of becoming in-toxicated.
Lets go out and get bad.
by Mike March 29, 2005
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it came from me
a hardcore gangstar some1 dat dont give a shit
damn dat nigga is a tosin
by Mike October 12, 2004
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1. a small penis
2. more appropriately any guy named Bill's penis
Bill whipped out his flopcock on sarah.
by Mike March 31, 2005
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it's a discriminatory word that does not discriminate (i.e. works for any race/social/ehtnic background)
tell tim if he doesnt stop acting like a yagmo, im gonna burn the hair in his asscrack while he sleeps.
by Mike June 20, 2004
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