19 definitions by MehRo

A game, usually in RTS games, in which real-life players are pitted against more, less or an even amount of computer-controlled players.

Usually this involves playing the maximum amount of allied human players vs. one enemy computer because the computer is easy to kill when outnumbered. Unfortunately, during these kinds of games, BackStabbers exist, who will wait until the computer is dead, look unsuspicious and then attack the remaining players with a huge force, all under the players' noses.
"I destroyed a comp in a Comp Stomp last night."

"That unsuspicious-looking backstabber killed us all after we killed the computer!"
by MehRo May 13, 2005
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Stands for "Official Xbox Magazine," the official magazine for the popular game system known as "Xbox." The magazine comes with many reviews, previews, a disk with game demos, videos for both released and new games, special features for star games and downloads or game saves.
"Did you catch the review of Halo 2 in the December 2004 OXM? Pretty nice."
by MehRo November 2, 2004
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The sequel to the game in which you played as some nerdy scientist with a crowbar. Now, in Half-Life 2, you're a badass nerd scientist with a crowbar. It promises revolutionary graphics, physics engine, characters, storyline and quite frankly everything else. It will be an amazing game without a doubt.
Half-Life 2 will rule.
by MehRo November 15, 2004
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An online mod of Half-Life (and a newer, graphical-focused version being a mod of the Half-Life sequel, Half-Life 2) which is about as addictive as every drug combined to the average PC gamer. It is also known to be the one game that has the ability to convert one hardcore console gamer into a full-time PC gamer within a few hours of play due to its sheer addictiveness.

The game pits Counter-Terrorists against Terrorists in a tactical shooter environment, though nowadays it is seen by the average gamer more as a pure shooter game with a simple goal: kill your opponents, then work as a team. Many see the community as a bad thing because of this. They also are stereotyped to use numbers in every sentence, a.k.a 1337 speak.

To this day, Counter-Strike alone has generated more Internet traffic than the entire country of Italy.
Steve: Thanks for getting me into Counter-Strike, Andy. Now I'll never be able to pick up Halo 2 again!

Andy: N0w 1t pwns j00r s0le.

Steve 10 Years Later: CS is tearing my life apart -- but I love every minute of it.
by MehRo May 17, 2005
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A retarded internet game in which 10-12 year olds play. It involves the kids who go online make their own character and collect "Decibels," which is online money used to buy stuff. With this "stuff" they buy using Decibels they build their own "apartment." They spend time in this wierd old apartment mixing music and designing new Coke materials to advertise - I mean put - in their room. These kids do often try to be funny, and then all the others in the room go "lolz." They often use "1337" talk, meanwhile they have NO clue how to talk 1337 at all. Here's a tip for all the people who go online; get a real life, and don't make one in a fake apartment collecting Decibels and asking Russian waiters to give you a coke.
Actual footage from Coke Music: "OMG u r teh funyn 1 but i am teh moor 1337 h4cer." -Anonymous.
by MehRo July 1, 2004
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Used in the Halo video game series and Everquest.

1. A bluebie is one who is devoted to the "blue" team in Halo and Halo 2. He will do anything in his power to obliterate all reds. If put on the red team, a bluebie will have a dangerous effect. These effects include team-killing, swearing, constant whining and stealing the best weapons/vehicles and hiding them. (Or, in some manners, blowing them up.) The bluebie is truly a marvel of discovery -- and also a very dangerous one if placed on the opposite team.

2. A bluebie in Everquest is one who will not engage in player vs. player combat.
1. Red Guy: Who's that team-killing idiot on our team? He's taking all our vehicles and sending them into blue territory!
Bluebie: For the BLUUUUUZZZZZ!!!!!

2. The bluebie refused all fight challenges. He then was made fun of.
by MehRo December 28, 2005
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The God of Change and Evil Dreams. He is the sworn enemy of Nurgle, God of Pestilence and Death. Tzeentch uses mutation and unnatural magic to bestow evil enchantments upon his elite warriors.
Tzeentch brought the evil warrior into daemonhood.
by MehRo December 21, 2004
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