16 definitions by Master Patrick Claire Thompson

Another word, which some claim to be degrading, for jews
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Neo-nazis is a slang word for White Supremists....mainly used by people who have been so brainwashed into thinking that dirtier colour skins are more important than themselves that they call the poeple who fight for their rights Neo-Nazis or boneheads.
I wanna be a neo nazi

fucking neonazis
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Used by emos to define their life...They willinly "give up" on sex, alcohol and drugs...but many seem to smoke and drink on the weekends... SxE mainly means straight edge...though many emos fail.
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Talented as they maybe together they sound shit. Mainly listened to by "teenie boppers" who havn't grown to appreciate good music (such as slayer ETC).

Have a fan bas who refer to them self as "maggots"....thats just how lame it really is.

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