13 definitions by MarkusRTK

Something that is all but impossible to criticize without coming across like an elitist fuck.

Also, despite undeniable flaws, the only stable and morally acceptable form of government.
"Democracy sucks! The people are stupid! I can't believe they voted for Bush again!"
"Well, what's the alternative?"
"Elitist fuck."
by MarkusRTK November 8, 2004
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A term for passionate supporters of Howard Dean, presidential candidate 2003-2004.
"Oh no, here comes a Deaniac."
"Vote Dean! Vote Dean!"
by MarkusRTK January 22, 2004
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Economic plan developed by President Ronald "Bonzo" Reagan in the 1980s based on some squiggles drawn on a napkin. Based on the entirely logical presumption that less money equals more money.
"Hey, Ron, let's lower taxes on the rich, cut funding for education/healthcare/anything important, then spend so much on useless crap like missiles that we end up in debt for the rest of our lives and those damn Boomers can't have their social security."
"Good choice, Ron. We'll call it Reaganomics."
"Uh, OK."
by MarkusRTK April 25, 2004
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A claim made by a concept's creator or owner that said concept is theirs and theirs alone. Use of copyright is protected legally, but many people feel that the concept is ethically invalid - leading to the rise of Internet file-sharing. Often cited using a © symbol, followed by a year.
"This essay is copyright 2003, Blaine Capatch."
by MarkusRTK January 22, 2004
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A common misspelling but the proper pronunciation of the more superfluous awesome. Note the brevity of this version, making it much more appropriate for normal situation. Examine these contrasting examples:
"Forsooth, the divine wonders of the Lord God Almighty on High be verily awesome."

"Dude, that game was ossum."
by MarkusRTK February 13, 2004
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A crook.

Also, President of the United States from 1969-1974. His accomplishments included officially recognizing China, keeping a steady hand on the economy, managing the war in Vietnam with a reasonable level of competence, and completely destroying Americans' faith in their political system for generations to come by having the balls to create a massive criminal surveillance infrastructure then desperately trying to cover it up while becoming the laughingstock of the media.

Also, said "Sock it to me" on Laugh-In once. That was cool.
"Hey look, it's Richard Nixon!"
by MarkusRTK November 8, 2004
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