11 definitions by Marki G

A term used when addressing a homie or dogg. It is often used by black people or people of dark skin. It can also be used when somebody of white or light skin speaks to another person of the same epidermic complexion in a mocking or humourous manner.
"hey niggro, wassup"
"nothin' nigga jus hangin"
by Marki G May 18, 2005
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The result of a toilet overflowing onto somebody's carpet. Happens when you take a large dump and the toilet clogs up, and the water starts to pour out of the bowl. It flows into the hallway and creates a horrifying stench that lingers for days on end.
"When I was at Steve's I took a huge crap and made a carpet lake. It was hilarious."
by Marki G May 19, 2005
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Basically the same as nig nig but with more effort. Punch it out when you speak it to give it the extra two g's at the end.
by Marki G May 19, 2005
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Something really, really bad. Undesirable, unless you are the one uttering the phrase. Used when some wrong has been done unto you.
"man das sum cold ass shit, nigga"
by Marki G May 18, 2005
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Occurs mostly with teenage girls who haven't seen eachother in about four days or more. They see eachother, and immediately approach eachother quickly yelling some sort of phrase that exhibits frantic glee, such as "Oh my God!". Te run and hug eachother, embracing sometimes as long as enough time to have an entire conversation.
"I saw to girls pull a run-and-hug at the mall today. They were both wearing the same school uniform, so I guess one of them missed class or something."
by Marki G July 7, 2005
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Something bad; awful; disappointing.

Coming from This Is Spinal Tap, when the band's CD "Shark Sandwich" is referred to in one review only as "Shit Sandwich".
"That movie sucked big time. It was a Shark Sandwich."
by Marki G May 29, 2005
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