16 definitions by Mandi Harmony

A guy who is a solid 7, but can easily be considered an 8 or a even a 9 once you realize he's a good dad

A man who wouldn't normally get a second look, but earns extra attractiveness points when others realize he's a nice guy
Wow! I never really noticed him before, but ever since I saw him with his kids, he seems super hot. What a snappy pappy!
by Mandi Harmony February 25, 2016
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A worthwhile life lesson learned through a whole lotta stress.

That was one crazy weekend. All that stress made me realize it just ain't worth procrastinating. Phew! I sure learned my stresson.
by Mandi Harmony September 19, 2016
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Someone who thinks they can estimate cost or duration of a renovation project but who have zero construction experience and really and truly has no clue what is involved. A Guesstimatrix, always a female, is obviously smarter overall than a Guesstimator. Despite this natural female smartitude, Guesstimatrices (plural) have no business estimating costs or duration of projects.
She’s planning another home reno! And we all know it’ll be 300% over-budget and take months longer than planned…next time that Guesstimatrix needs to hire a real contractor!
by Mandi Harmony June 23, 2021
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A Charfruiterie Board is a vegetarian (and fruitarian) option for those who don’t consume the foods typically on a Charcuterie Board. It’s a fancy way of saying Fruit Platter.
Oh no - I forgot to make something for the pot luck! …Aha! I’ll just buy a Fruit Platter from the grocery store, dump it out onto a wooden board, and stick a bowl of yogurt on it as a dip… I shall announce loudly that I have contributed the Charfruiterie Board for the event. Everyone will be forever in awe of my talents!
by Mandi Harmony June 5, 2022
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The babies conceived during the “Home Quarantine” practice linked to COVID19. The first wave of Coronnials will be born 9 months after the “Social Distancing” movement has taken hold in your community.
People born into the generation of Coronnials are highly celebrated, as they represent human resilience in a time of great unknowns.
by Mandi Harmony March 14, 2020
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Someone who is compulsively buying new guitars. A FRET COLLECTOR may also expand the collection to include any instrument with frets, such as banjos, mandolins, ukuleles, with the intention of learning to play each and every one. Usually, a fret collector sticks to playing just one preferred guitar most of the time. The other instruments are displayed on the wall and are played once in a while for purposes of justifying why they purchased them. This also serves to keeping them in tune and to periodically remove the layer dust that has collected.
Wow! I see that Rod has a ton of instruments - he is a real FRET COLLECTOR! And from the looks of Mandi’s music room, she’s a FRET COLLECTOR too! They should plan a regular meeting for FRET COLLECTORS to hang out and jam and talk about guitars.
by Mandi Harmony February 12, 2022
The fragrant force field resulting from someone passing gas. Usually the flatulator (or flatulatrix, if it was a lady) will have already fled the scene. If you arrive immediately after the offense occurred, you might bounce off the invisible dome of stench (you are essentially being repelled by the force field of flatus). Sometimes, it’s hard to know where the borders of the flatus field are, and in these cases it is safe to assume that some time passed between the original offense and your arrival on scene. Most fields of flatus will dissipate within 5 minutes. Some of the most notable ones have been rumoured to last well over an hour...however, no one has actually stuck around long enough to verify this.
Do NOT go in there! I left a field of flatus and I think it’ll last about five-to-ten...

I swear to God - that man created a field of flatus right before he stepped off the elevator...I sure hope no one joins me on this trip and blames me for the smell!
by Mandi Harmony September 8, 2018
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