62 definitions by Lewis

he turned his whole house into a skate park.
what more can i say?
by Lewis May 7, 2004
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Post Hardcore/Emo/Punk band from Scunthorpe, UK. They are ace.
Person1: You heard the new shuriken EP?
Person2: Yeah, evacuate/disintegrate rocked.
by Lewis February 6, 2005
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A term in gaming that generally means the player has 'godlike' power in the game, for example infinite health or ammo.
by Lewis January 11, 2004
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X No drugs, X no alocohol, and X no casual seX
Im not straight edge to be different. Im straight edge because I know its right. Why do I want to get fucked up and forget all the shit that I did that night? No thanks, I want to enjoy my life by remembering it. Think for yourself.
by Lewis August 13, 2004
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n. 1. A person ho causes minor inconveniences in every day life.
2. Any human specimen that causes anger in another.
3. A Disgusting individual
4. Anyone from ohio
by Lewis March 23, 2004
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A sekc nub that plays on the Graal server Era who hates jews =o.
Snerdly lieks pie.
by Lewis November 29, 2003
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