6 definitions by Len Dog


1. Slang for Penis in the same way Va-Jay-Jay is slang for Virgina.

2. Another word for Penis, a way to say Penis without most people knowing what you're talking about.
Girl 1 - Damn! That guy's pants are so tight I can see his huge Pa-Nay-Nay!

Girl 2 - I know! I would love to suck on that Pe-Nay-Nay!
by Len Dog April 11, 2010
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Eruption Disruption

Eruption Disruption occurs when Volcanic ash interferes with air travel.

Air travel is either canceled or halted in fear of planes crashing because of Volcanic ash.
My fucking flight was just canceled because of of Eruption Disruption!

How the hell am I going to get home Now!
by Len Dog April 16, 2010
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"Be-Backer" or "Be-Backers"

A person or persons who say "they will be back"

These people are know as a BeBacker or BeBackers.
I had a bunch of BeBackers come in my store today, all claiming they would come back when they have money.
by Len Dog August 22, 2009
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A person or persons who say "They will be back"

These people are know as a BeBacker or BeBackers.
I had a bunch of BeBackers come in my store today, all claiming they would be back when they have money.
by Len Dog August 24, 2009
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1. When a reporter completely loses it on TV.

2. When you have the worlds biggest brain fart.

3. When you lose all control over what you are saying.

4. See YouTube.
Well a very very ...uh heafy der, Bertation tonight. we had a very dares, dareson, fight. let's go ahead tears tazin'. lets go ahead ..
by Len Dog February 14, 2011
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To spend an entire day or all of your available time playing Games.
1. I skipped school and took a Gamecation today.

2. My friends and I are taking a Gamecation this weekend.

3. I need a Gamecation.
by Len Dog August 22, 2009
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