64 definitions by Lala

A sudden need to go to the bathroom, accompanied often with chills, hot sweats, and panic. Usually when one is not near a restroom.
Today while I was driving to school I had a shitmergency and had to stop at a seedy gas station.
by Lala March 7, 2005
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to sulk, crack a sad and act like a big fat baby when you odn't get your own way.
sam had a sook when claire wouldn't sleep with him.
by Lala August 24, 2003
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jamaican slang; translated to urban slang, it becomes "booty boy" meaning a homosexual.
by Lala November 18, 2003
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1.Artist of the surreal.
2. A fragrance.
1. Salvador Dali is the best surrealist ever!

2. Hey La what perfume are you wearing it smells soo good?

Me: Salvador Dali.
by Lala January 6, 2004
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a really cool school... the girls are friendly and fun!
girl 1: hey which school you going to?
girl 2: don't know... wonder if im going to high school.
girl 1: don't worry you've always got grier.
by Lala January 29, 2005
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