1 definition by Lady Rilwen

Primary villain in J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series.

Born Tom Marvolo Riddle, named for father and maternal grandfather. Originally an attractive, charming person with the ability to hide his evil intent, but later becomes rather more conspicuous.

Constantly attempting to track down Harry and finish killing him, having failed and been temporarily disembodied by the attempt when Harry was a baby.

Pale skin, red eyes, slitted notrils, high, cold voice. Skinny, with long fingers. May or may not wear underwear under those robes, as none has ever been mentioned when Wormtail was dressing him, or in the movie where he conjured up his robes. Oh, and he has really delicate-looking feet- barefoot tapping of Cedric's face reveals this fact. The hands are almost girlish, too. ;)

Uses Dark Magic, has a lot of devoted followers named Death Eaters. Has experimented with various evil powers, and is determined to gain immortality. Has split his soul, hence the freakish inhuman(but badass) looks. Speaks Parseltongue(snake language).

Utterly ruthless, incapable of love. Not the sort you want to meet in a dark alley, unless you're holding a deathwish/are his fangirl/fanboy.

Disturbingly large fanbase, including those wishing to *ahem*speak to his snake. :p
Read. The. Books.

Lord Voldemort, circa resurrection in movie: *hyper*
Y'know, being restored to semi-human form seems to have done wonders for his energy level. ;)

Bellatrix: OMG my lord I lub you!!!
Lord Voldemort: Greeeeeaaaatttt....

Deluded fangirl: He's misunderstood...*sniff*

More aware fangirl: Sure, he's evil...but that is SO cool.
by Lady Rilwen October 11, 2007
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