30 definitions by LULU

a word used in conjunction with s&m, consensual torture, bondage, etc - so that when you say "no" or "stop" in the heat of the moment, the other person can disregard it - the safety word is the serious-i-mean-it-now time-to-stop word. usually something ridiculus like Alabama.
"Why did Jesus die on the cross? Because he forgot his safety word."
by LULU February 9, 2005
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to be really really bad, in any way whatsoever. Ie: taste, looks, etc. Can apply to a situation.
NO way man... thats so raisin!
This crap is raisin.
I hate that girl shes so raisin.
by LULU May 9, 2004
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adj. Bloated and obese. Derives from the state of a tick(parasitic insect) after it has gorged itself on a host mammal's blood. Not complimentary. I've heard it in the context of Australian slang, but I'm sure it's spoken all over the place.
"Christ! All that beer you've been guzzling latley has made you fat as a tick!"
by LULU July 2, 2004
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A word used by Luis. Actual definition TBA.
Other variations of the word: Cock him up, cock her up
Hey that bitch is looking at you; cock her up!
by LULU March 2, 2004
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the top of the crack of the ass; the plumber's crack
Pull up your pants. Your chunch is showing!
by LULU April 18, 2005
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a new and improved medication in helping you deal with your struggles with mentally retarded peoples
When you are fed up with the mentally retarded in today's society, RetarFed!
by LULU March 7, 2004
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one who has a threesome in Mexico and cries to their friend.
Lindsey!! I'm a dirt mongrel!!
by LULU October 1, 2003
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