12 definitions by Kynth

One who can interact and mediate with the spirit world on behalf of their community, usualy by exctatic trance techniques ( That is their spirit/soul leaves their physical body in order to travel to a world of pure spirit rather than physical matter) for the purposes of divination, information gathering, healing and to recieve wisdom.
Believed to come from the Tungus word "saman" meaning (very roughly)holder of knowledge.
Some anthropologists maintain that shaman are the basis of most magician/sorceror archetypes in folklore.
In modern times the word is overused, and seems to have become , in the minds of the modern illiterate, purely connected with various character classes in computer RolePlaying Games.
In Modern Siberia, Mongolia, and amongst the Sami the role of the shaman is undergoing something of a renaissance.
by Kynth December 1, 2007
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An act of extreme hubris and hypocracy, in which someone vehemently opposed to something uses the exact same methods and arguments as the object of their scorn to achieve their own ends.
from Richard Dawkins, the noted evolutionary biologist, curmudgeon and deiaphobe who is EVANGELICAL in wanting to CONVERT people to athiesm.
Odd Christian, Right Wing Fundamentalist: "I`m so PRO-LIFE I`m willing to KILL doctors who carry out abortions!"

Cynical Welshman: "Really? how very Dawkins of you."
by Kynth March 23, 2008
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An act of extreme hubris and hypocracy, in which someone vehemently opposed to something uses the exact same methods and arguments as the object of their scorn to achieve their own ends.
from Richard Dawkins, the noted evolutionary biologist, curmudgeon and deiaphobe who is EVANGELICAL in wanting to CONVERT people to athiesm.
Odd Christian, Right Wing Fundamentalist: "I`m so PRO-LIFE I`m willing to KILL doctors who carry out abortions!"

Cynical Welshman: "Really? how very Dawkins of you."
by Kynth March 23, 2008
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A £ multi-billion industry based around 20 overpaid tribal heroes kicking a ball around, as in the grounds thousands of semi-evolved, illiterate grunting beasts attempt to kick the living shit out of eachother.

These Mongo Retardopithicus footballii are tribal creatures, easily regognised by their sloping forheads, prominant brow-ridges, shaven heads, vulgar and garish gold sovereign rings and the finest chunky gold chains that Argos can supply as well as their tribal war-paint.

They are a primitive people, who worship the Sun (especially page 3 ). Most are incapable of using words of over 2 sylables ( foot-ball, mon-go, rooo-knee, ga-zza, lar-gah, be'-kham ) the only exception being their legendary spiritual home, the mythical Ing-Gerr-Laaaand. Each tribe slavishly worshipping a tribal god-icon and it's associated 12 warrior- heroes,or 'Teeems. Usually, these tribes are blood enemies ( Chel-see tribe strong, kill Ars-nal tribe, ug! ) , fighting vicious battles over the ritualised tribal war carried out by the Teeems These battles invariably end up in local human population centres being damaged ( 'Mongo's Teeem is lose, Mongo smash up town, ug!' or, conversely 'Mongo's Teeem is win, Mongo smash up town, ug!' )
Every 4 years however, the tribes of Ing Gerr-Laaaand come together for a month-long frenzy of obsessive stupidity.
Thanks the goddess it only happens every 4 years.
At the mention of the sacred word 'football' the assembled primitives began to hoot and beat their chests excitedly, this soon resulted in the entire town centre being destroyed.
by Kynth November 30, 2011
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1: A sash-like belt usually for holding a sword, or in later years magazines/pouches of gunpowder

2: Scruffy, dimwitted and diminutive sidekick of various incarnations of Edmund Blackadder from the BBC comedy of the same name noted for his 'cunning plans'. Played by the actor Tony Robinson

3: anyone who resembles said character
Who's that little git over there?
Oh, thats the office "Baldrick"...OI Baldrick coffee, 2 sugars!
by Kynth March 23, 2008
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