63 definitions by Kyle 230

Pretty much the hipster of the zodiac. They do like a lot hipster stuff and they are generally liberal and are big for humaritarian causes and helping people that are in need. They are also big on human equality and diversity since they are big on friendship.

They like anything weird and they may be a little eccentric, and think it is cool. They probably get a kick out of sci-fi and thift shop clothing, and they love giving things to the Salvation Army, and shopping at it too. They are also a big fan of humantarian causes. Aquarians generally a friendly, but they might have a cold attitude.
Jeff is an Aquarius. He likes sci-fi and loves to give money to the poor.
by Kyle 230 April 28, 2010
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Pretty much a place that you get stuff to sell on eBay, and then pretty much they are wound up on other one of these places so another person can sell it on eBay and so forth
Oh I found this eBay item on a yard sale...lets put that back on eBay because it is crap and make some more money than 75 cents
by Kyle 230 April 28, 2010
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A TV channel for high school and college loners that like to get their battery charged with a little softcore porn and maybe some random anime thing or Ninja Warrior. The kid usually grows up to be an IT professional or video game designer, or works at McDonalds and goes on MySpace to get money by taking surveys. They are usually about 30 til they get married and never have kids.
Bob: I can't get Playboy TV
Bill: Check out G4TV...basically it has the same stuff
by Kyle 230 August 9, 2009
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Pretty decent music production software and it is pretty much at affordable price, so you can buy more crap. It does have some decent stuff that pro tools don't even have. Pro Tools doesn't have a beatmaker thing, you have do this by hand and the beats are hot. And pro tools doesn't have as many cool VSTs as this FL Studio. Pro Tools is generally for pop music production and is used by the major labels. It is great for recording your own band, but generally leave this for the pros. If you want even pro tools to run, you need to buy a bunch of overpriced expensive shit such as the Mbox or a Digidesign mixer, no just anything. FL Studio, just buy a cheap Wal Mart keyboard, get a USB port, pay $100 for FL Studio at Best Buy or your local music studio, and download a few VSTs and you are ready to roll.

And FL Studio is really for people that want to make hip-hop, R&B, pop, dance, rock...anything. It is way better than Pro Tools and is cheaper.
by Kyle 230 May 11, 2010
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A skit comedy variety show that features the ventrilogists and makes fun of American society and pop culture. Usually uses the "about right" humor and make fun of stuff such as gays, old people, rap music, gangstas, dumb redneck, and other subcultures. Pretty fun shit and usually has a lot of sexual slurs...which comedy show doesn't have on these day
You are watching the Jeff Dunham Show...
Achmed...I'll Kill You!!
by Kyle 230 November 27, 2009
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The year I was born and it was a kickass year. The Ruskies finally got it figured out that communism sucks, the internet was invented, music was great, good movies came out, Twins won the world series, and the world was in peace, with an exception for some nuiscance think with Desert Storm that lastest only 3 months, not 8 years like this other Bush did it. A very spiritual year and music even had a futuristic-spiritual sound to it, way farther ahead than now. Then the grunge heads had came in and brought it backwards to the 1960s. America was at it's peak that year.
1991 was a kickass year...even though I was only a baby
by Kyle 230 October 4, 2010
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Christmas without the Jesus and the snow...unless you live in the Rockies
Halloween is the same thing as Christmas...you got last minute candy and costume shopping, knocking on people's door and bugging people for treats, getting candy, holiday movies til you sick of them
by Kyle 230 November 3, 2009
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