13 definitions by KillerByte

A girl who will, without hesitation, let someone engage with her in anal penetration
John: Oh my god, Kathy let me fuck her in the ass while her best friend was in the room.
Raph: She's such a butt slut!
by KillerByte October 19, 2004
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Bastardization of gangster. Gankstar is used to refer to those who try to be gangsta, usually white kids from the suburbs. See also wigger. Can also be used as an exclaimation.
Christopher: Yo yo shorty you be lookin' mad fly dawg like hella tight yo!
Carl: What a gankstar, he thinks he's a pimp and the girls walk right by...

James: Holy shit, look what Carl did!
Jessica: Gankstar!
by KillerByte July 27, 2004
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No love, No fear, No mercy... To be HardKore is to not give a fuck, and not be phased by bullshit drama. It also brings into effect the "Think before you speak" principle.
When shit's not going your way, keep your HardKore and it's all straight...
by KillerByte June 10, 2004
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1. A Gun, knife, or other weapon.
2. Anything used for the smoking of various drugs, most commonly marijuana, most commonly a pipe.
3. A graffiti mural.
4. A place.
5. Short - piece of shit.
6. Generic - anything.
1. This piece shoots nice, only cost $50.
2. Dude, nice piece! Let's smoke.
3. Yo, I threw up a hot piece down near 2nd.
4. Dude, I'ma bounce out this piece before drama goes down.
5. Dude, look at that car, what a fucking piece.
6. Yo, nice piece!
by KillerByte August 9, 2004
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Bastardization of the word fuck. It has verbatim meaning, with a light enhancement to it's power. Used in place of fuck where fuck just is not strong enough of a word.
Fem: Look, McDonalds is closed!
John: What the fizzyock?!?
by KillerByte October 19, 2004
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Someone who puts on a false personality, usually in an attempt to get laid, or make friends with people of a different clique. A fronter may also show things off that aren't theirs, such as their daddy's rolex, their best friend's whip, etc...
Dickhead: Did you see Sean chillin' with all those punk rock kids and listening to their music?

Douchebag: Yeah, he's such a fronter.
by KillerByte March 20, 2004
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