112 definitions by Katie

To be very confused.
I am very confuzzled. or... That is confuzaling.
by Katie November 19, 2003
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My Favorite Year is an amazing musical. Taking place in 1954, it discovers the passion and ambition of a young freshman writer on the famous television show, King Kaiser's Comedy Cavalcade. Benjy Stone struggles with love issues, a drunk actor (his childhood hero- Alan Swann), and a very unhappy boss. This show will have you laughing 'til you fall off your seat, and wipeing your tears. A passionate, heartfelt comedy, My Favorite Year is a great show, with fabulous music, and some incredible dance numbers. Great for Highschool Productions, or professional theatres! For other great highschool and/or professional musicals see also Footloose, Gypsy
"The door was closed and it stayed closed. Alan Swann never opened it, he walked through that door" <br>
"Wearing a DUCK?!?!?!?" <br>
"The duck says, 'Yeah, get this guy off my ass! <br>
"Or maybe I remember it EXACTLY THE WAY IT WAS!" <br>
"It would have to be one hell of a year, for some other year, to ever come near, that frantic, impossible, painfully near to me, year, My Favorite Year!"
by Katie March 21, 2006
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A play based on a book which was originally written in French. All of the characters, with the exception of Marius and Cosette, die. It is set during the French Revolution. It was originally preformed on Broadway in 1987.
Do you hear the people sing? Lost in the valley of the night. It is the music of a people who are climbing to the light. For the wretched of the earth there is a flame that never dies. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. They will live again in freedom in the garden of the lord. They will walk behind the plowshare. They will put away the sword. The chain will be broken and all men will have their reward. Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see? Do you hear the people sing? Say do you hear the distant drums? It is the future that they bring when tomorrow comes.
by Katie January 2, 2004
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Silly girlie whirlies say this word when they are being attacked by people with hair or sVedish accents.
EIK! Did you see that sVedish guy??
by Katie July 5, 2003
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getting your minge throughly pounded in rough nasty sex that is enjoyable but at the end leaves your minge feeling like an open axe would
Deon really gave me a minge bash last night, my pussy feels like its been beaten to a pulp.
by Katie January 28, 2005
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A very clique-y county north of New York City, and whoever lives there, regardless if their small town is in fact an hour away, "live just outside the city." Westchester is divided strictly into two parts. Basically, the ultra-rich part, and the normal part. This division comes into affect around Bronxville...this is NOT the Bronx. ("ew, the bronx, are you eff-ing kidding me? I live in bronxVILLE.")
You know you live in Westchester when you refer to white plains as "so ghetto.", and no matter what, you belong to at least two shore clubs, not country clubs, and scoff at the thought of actually stepping into "the sound. ew." Also, you know it's a major risk going to the galleria, after all, you could get shot. The Westchester is the place to be, holler.
by Katie March 4, 2005
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