53 definitions by Jon Davis

Plural of income. Might be different forms of income.
The income tax is a tax imposed upon incomes.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State

7. Extention of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal liablity of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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1. The act of dating a person with the intent to marry.

2. A game where a black robe and some people in suits and ties dance around and pretend to establish justice on behalf of a terrorized victim of society.
1. I courted her for a while but realized that she wasn't The One.

2. The innocent man went to court and was thrown in prison for five years.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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The state of one's sense of self being greater than it truly is.

The state of a person who is excessively prideful, pompous, or on a power stroke.
Leaders with bloated egos tend to be very rude and belligerant.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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adj. Portraying the behavior of engaging in lust and pursuit of romantic or sexual relationships with people of the same gender.

n. Someone who engages in homosexual behavior.

See: gay, faggot, heterosexual, marriage, love, romance, sex, intercourse, penis, vagina, anus, eyes
A homosexual man engaged in sexual activity yesterday with another man.

A homosexual woman engaged in sexual activity yesterday with another woman.

I was devastated when I, a man, saw that the woman I admired was herself admiring another woman. She was a homosexual!
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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The act of perverting something.

A tweak, change, or adjustment of an otherwise true or accurate person, place, thing, or idea, to the point of making the person, place, thing, or idea no longer true or accurate.
Mormon belief is a perversion of Christianity.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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Not to be confused with U.S. citizen, an American citizen is a person who is a citizen of (one or some of) the fifty states of America.
I am an American citizen, born in Minnesota and living in California.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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