9 definitions by James William

A bitter state or hatred induced by another having something more than oneself. Most acute between people where the difference is slight, eg, a neighbour with a minutely more expensive car. The most denied emotion - "I'm not envious, I don't hate her because she's got more money than me!".
People envy Paris Hilton because she has large wealth for which she has done nothing, but they comment on other aspects of her rather than this.
by James William May 24, 2005
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Young people or young adults pampered beyond the point where they realise they are lucky; fully expectant of an idle life of luxury and not aware that some people have to work. Think that washing up or cleaning the house is something that a personal assistant is for. Unaware that there are poor people in the world. Money is something that arrives for unknown reasons in large amounts every month in one's bank account.
Super-wealthy international jetset kids, trustfunded grandchildren of banking families, etc.
by James William May 18, 2005
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