68 definitions by Jack mehoff

1)A person who is a fat ass, lazy, red neck, sandwich eatting, nigga hatin person, and always hungry.

2)A person who got stuck in a tub.
1)Damn Zukster, why did you eat so much?
2)Yesterday, I got Zukster in the bathroom.
by Jack mehoff November 4, 2004
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What you get after working all the time and getting paid just enough to survive.

What the farmer gives to his plow horse after working all day. Just enough to survive so he can plow again tomorrow for another oat bag.

"Oat bag! Ive got my Oat bag! Oat bag just for me!"

- Jerry Seinfeld
by Jack mehoff October 1, 2003
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Similar to "poontang" but for gay guys looking for some ass...
Gay Guy #1: Man, I would sure like to hit some ass.
Gay Guy #2: Let's go out and score some boontang.
by Jack mehoff April 6, 2005
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1. A female being who does incredibly well in the mooching category, usually occuring on the weekends.

2. A female being who believes she is the center of the universe, when she is actually the outcast of society.
Damn, this bitch is being so Kayla Kerrigan, askin me for rides and alcohol!
by Jack mehoff April 5, 2005
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Where your penis goes around your gooch and into your asshole.
I caught Logan gooching with Dr.Kelly the other day.
by Jack mehoff May 3, 2005
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1 to insult
2 blue man group
3 todd, andy zukoski's blue loving friend
4 todd, the fuggin fugger
5 like the "F" word
1) go smurf your self!
2) Smurf1: "hey what did you and smurfett do last night" SMurf2: "I smurfed her" Smurf1: "SMURF NO!" Smurf2: "SMURF YEA!, I smurfed her in the smurffin parking lot!"
3) todd? oh the smurf wannabe!
by Jack mehoff November 4, 2004
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When a homosexual man has anal sex with too many men at once and his penis shrivels up and becomes shit stained ,he has a shrunken browny.
"You got a shrunken browny Steve!"
"Steve, you shit fucker. You gave put your shrunken browny in his mouth!
by Jack mehoff February 24, 2003
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