4 definitions by I’m a disappointment

When you start fucking someone so hard and so fast that your penis and the girl you’re fucking’s pussy get fucking obliterated into atoms
John: Dude did you hear Alex had hypersex with Penny
Nick: Damn it dude I wanted to have hypersex with her
by I’m a disappointment October 23, 2020
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A book that has a perfect map of one’s anus, just like an atlas
John: Yo I got an analus of Penny dude
Tyler: yoooo dude lemme see that buttmap
by I’m a disappointment October 23, 2020
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P distruction is a term meaning building the letter p 10m tall and sitting on it till the galaxy collapses
Go and do the p distruction please
by I’m a disappointment September 21, 2020
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