1 definition by Hopefully Anonymous

Fear is an emotion which is mostly triggered by the release of hormones or neurotransmitters like adrenaline and noradrenaline.

The reason fear exists is mainly evolutionary for self-preservation. Feeling scared in dangerous situations keeps you alive.

Social anxiety is a commonly occuring phenomenon in our postmodern society. The pathological shyness discourages many people from showing their whole potential in front of other people in school, at work or in general social situations.

It does not provide you any help to survive and it most likely prevents you from being happy.

If you know people who might be affected by Social Society Disorder, please do not mistake their introversion for arrogance and try to comprehend their behaviour. Do not stop inviting them to social situations and give them time to warm up.
You: Can I bring Chris along to the BBQ?
Your friend: Why? He never says a word- are you sure he even enjoys hanging out with us?
You: He certainly does. Chris is simply shy and needs some time to warm up to people.
Your friend: Shyness, huh? Oh, and I thought he disliked us. Well then, bring beer as well.
by Hopefully Anonymous August 22, 2014
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