25 definitions by Hayley

A wonderful Finnish band. And no, I'm no HIM/Rasmus-loving teeny. I know good music, and Nightwish is good music.
Random Guy: Nightwish suck ass, only HIM/Rasmus loving teenies like them.
Me: I'm no teeny. And I like them.
RG: ...damn...
by Hayley October 15, 2005
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"oh my god, you are being so loofty!" or "he is so loofty"
by Hayley May 21, 2004
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A band that first came to be in the late 60's, named by Syd Barrett, who was the lead singer/guitarist/song-writer. A man before his time. The other members were Roger Waters (bass), Rick Wright (keyboards/vocals) and Nick Mason (drums). Sadly, Syd had to leave the band, and he was replaced by David Gilmour (guitar/vocals).
The band are best known for the fantastic albums Dark Side Of The Moon and The Wall, but their back catalogue has albums that are just as fantastic, such as The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn, Wish You Were Here and A Saucerful Of Secrets, and that's only a few!
The band will be remembered as one of the best bands of all time, they deserve to be placed beside The Beatles, The Stones and The Who as one of the pioneers of British music and rock music as we know it.
Sadly, Syd Barrett, who left the limelight after recording two solo albums in the 70's and went back to a regular life, died in 2006, on July the 7th (my 16th birthday). Also, relationships between band members have been sour since the recording of The Wall (in which Wright was fired by Waters, who left soon after), until Live 8 in 2005, when Waters, Gilmour, Wright and Mason played together for the first time in 24 years.
Pink Floyd are usually associated with drug use, but they even stated in their interviews in Live in Pompeii that they did not want to be seen as a drug band. You don't need to get high to appreciate their music, you just need to let yourself go and listen and be taken away on a musical journey beyond your wildest dreams. Long Live the Floyd!
Guy 1: Hey, man. What you listening to?
Guy 2: Pink Floyd.
Guy 1: Aw, neat. They sung 'The Wall', right?
Guy 2: Yeah, but their earlier stuff is amazing!
Guy 1: Got any dope?
Guy 2: Don't need it, it's amazing enough without it.
Guy 1: *listens* You're right, man!
by Hayley April 22, 2008
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a verb that originated from alaskan bears in a humans first heard this when they killed the first alaskan bear in canada it is use in great frustration
"grrr... you suck small ballz"
"grrr... that guy is so hot but i have no chance with him"
"grrr... my dog is getting run over right in front of me"
this word can be used in many forms not just these
by Hayley March 29, 2005
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