3 definitions by Hack Nike

Qaulity computer that is the best choice for video, pictures, or music editing. Not for gaming due to compatibility issues. Morons like to argue which is better,Windows or Macs, I personally think that both are good for certain things. People who say that, "Windows sucks because it crashes every 2 minutes" either have never owned a windows computer,or just had a shitty computer and didn't set it up properly.
Macs are good and so are PC's.
by Hack Nike June 4, 2005
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A game created by Max Barry to promote his books, quite fun if you have a mind.
by Hack Nike June 2, 2005
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One of the most kick ass writers...EVER!! A good synonym is kickass. Has written the books Jennifer Government and Syrup,a new book entitled "Company" is coming out soon as well. Made a game called Nation States to help promote his books.
Kick ass writer!! I love his works!!
by Hack Nike May 9, 2005
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