18 definitions by Gusto

Have you ever seen the comercial with the greasy giant buff dudes posing and playing basketball? Than in the backround you hear the super hot chick say "I want your bod!"
Well now thanks to this vile comercial the word "bod" has a extremle negative connotation.
Dude dont bod the shot! dont bod it!
Dude this show is hella bod lets blow this popcicle stand!
Quit bodding me!
by Gusto March 15, 2005
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shorented version of "I dont know"
Whats the capital of uruguay?
by Gusto March 23, 2005
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the widely recognized and known event in which many hobos get together under a bridge and have knife fights. hoobobs and snoobobs participate in these
o shit son! its a hobo stab fest pull over!
by Gusto March 24, 2005
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a hoobob of higher class... snoobobs live in their cars, they have obtained this rank by winning matches at hobo stab fests
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dude this neighborhood is full of snoobobs
by Gusto March 24, 2005
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a random hobo that likes to participate in hobo stab fests
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that there is a grade A hoobob, he stabs like a snoobob ah tell u hwat.
look p snoobob
by Gusto March 24, 2005
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Person 1: Dude what are you buying for lunch today?
Person 2: Dude my mom didnt give me money for lunch today so im brown bagging it.
Person 1: LAME!!!!!!
by Gusto September 23, 2005
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