47 definitions by Fuck you

"damn, you could see her chocolate star while she was standing up!
by Fuck you November 30, 2003
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a little stupid cocker spainiel with a bongo donger.
that damn dog used his bongo donger on the couch.
by Fuck you June 5, 2003
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Any imported (usually Japanese) car that isn't very fast but is modified to look tripped up. A lot of ricers modify the engines to go faster as well, and race them in street races. For all you nascar white trashmen who say it is a gay thing for guys with small dicks, all it is is about us teenagers loving speed and not wanting to have to drive to a Nascar area to get it, but to see it in our very own vehicle.
I took a Mazda RX-8, did hood work, got a body kit, and spent about five thousand dollars on the engine to make it a rice rocket.
by Fuck you November 14, 2003
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An adjective much like chill, showing approval, contentment, or mild amusement.
Friday night was slack.
Oh man, that shot was slack!
by Fuck you October 26, 2004
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