7 definitions by Fo' Shizzo

Annoying major comeback to any insult
Person one: You're gay
Person two: So's your mam on toast
Person one: :-(
by Fo' Shizzo November 24, 2004
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I could go for a good scrut, this bacon scrut is nice
by Fo' Shizzo November 24, 2004
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Somebody who participates in the art of gimping or just a complete tosser
He was the Gimpington at Turners S&M last night, Turner is a Gimpington
by Fo' Shizzo November 24, 2004
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Person one: You're gay
Person two: So's your mam on toast
Person one: So's your dad on bacon scruts
Person two: :-(
by Fo' Shizzo November 24, 2004
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To run fast or to beat somebody up.
I iz gonna Scremate yo face, Shit a massive nigga.. Scremate it
by Fo' Shizzo November 24, 2004
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A cross between Scrunt & Onion, basically an insult not directly aimed at a person
Turners's a scrunion
by Fo' Shizzo November 24, 2004
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