17 definitions by Fast Bobby

The most wanted demographic of national political candidates during the 2004 election cycle; comprised of Southern and Midwestern white males age 25 and older who usually vote Republican, but can be swayed to vote Democratic if the candidate better addresses the issues they care about; for comparison, see also soccer momor Bubba
Bob Graham sponsored Jon Wood's Craftsman Truck Series ride in order to appeal to NASCAR Dads.
by Fast Bobby July 8, 2003
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A bastardization of the phrases "Titty Monger" or "Tit Monger", used to describe a large-busted woman of relaxed moral character who frequented the dorms and fraternity houses of Colgate University in the late 80's and early 90's.
Scott C. and Scotty J. both hooked up with the Titty Mongrel after doing a few naked beer slides last night at OX.
by Fast Bobby January 27, 2004
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Extreme variation of the oofala; sometimes shortened to "tartoof"
That lime green lesiure suit is the tartoofala!
by Fast Bobby January 28, 2004
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