14 definitions by Evan Met

The combination of getting Mono and AIDS in one sexual experience(session).
I have MAIDS, I hate the bitch that gave me MAIDS, she should die.
by Evan Met April 20, 2006
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1. Someone who consistantly goes to MacDonald's atleast once a week.
2. Someone who works at MacDonald's all they're life, this job is usually they're first job.
That fatty is a maclifer, i seen her come in here 3 times this week already.
Sean is a maclifer, all he does is work at macdonalds 24/7
by Evan Met March 10, 2006
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when your soo wasted that when you puke you feel soooo much better.
i felt so sick, that when i puked, i had a pukegasm.
by Evan Met April 30, 2006
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I want chode. I love chode. I have a huge chode to compliment my giant penis.
by Evan Met April 20, 2006
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Probably the most exciting return man in the Nation Football League today, I'm not saying the best, but the most exciting. He plays for the Kansas City Cheifs and plays slot.
In 2003, Dante Hall changed directions three times on his way to a 93 yard punt return touchdown.
by Evan Met March 4, 2006
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when da bitch be on her rag and u eat dat shit out.
Guy: "What do you call it when you eat your women out when shes having her period?"
Me: "You gave yo bitch a red swirl you sick son of a bitch."
Guy: "Yeah, four times this week."
by Evan Met June 28, 2006
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Means, in German: Black Forest, which is then transferred into a man, or women's, hairy ass, cuz its a forest of hairs, that are black. yyyeeeaaahhh.
I have a fucking schwarzwald.
by Evan Met April 30, 2006
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