31 definitions by Dr Pinch

n. A devious act whereby a tradesman etc deliberately includes flaws in his work, thereby guaranteeing that you will call him back sometime in the future to fix them.
One of our radiators is broken! But our central heating system was fixed six months ago. I reckon the plumber pulled a billgates on us!
by Dr Pinch December 25, 2004
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Poitin is the greatest invention ever to come out of Ireland
by Dr Pinch June 11, 2006
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A person who hangs around with people of sub-normal intelligence.
Yo! There goes a tard with the samebrush!
by Dr Pinch September 16, 2004
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1. (Everywhere except France): An overtly sexual act, to kiss with tongues.

2. (France only) An overtly non-sexual act, to greet somebody by giving them a light peck on each cheek. This is a traditional gesture, even between members of the same sex.
Frenchman: Every day since we married, my wife kisses me in ze traditional French manner.
Englishman: Bloody hell! Ever since we married, my wife never does, as she always has a headache!
by Dr Pinch April 12, 2005
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"Pimp" has been used as in insult for at least 900 years.

It is on record that Thomas à Becket, when facing the four knights that were about to murder him in Canterbury cathedral, called one of them, Reginald FitzUrse, a pimp.

Historians might well judge that this was not Becket's smartest ever move.
According to historians, Becket's last words were either

"Willingly I die for Jesus and in defence of the Church!"


"Let me go, you pimp!"
by Dr Pinch August 14, 2006
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The oldest electric guitar manufacturer - Rickenbacker predates both Gibson and Fender, fact fans! Known for making both guitars and basses.
Guitarists who play(ed) Rickenbackers: John Lennon, Roger McGuinn (Byrds), Peter Buck, Johnny Marr, indie / alt-rock types who like its jangly sound, etc.

Bassists who play(ed) Rickenbackers: Paul McCartney, Lemmy, etc
by Dr Pinch May 2, 2005
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1. A "punk" was originally a tramp's young homosexual companion. In other words, a rent boy with no ethics.

It then mutated in meaning, via an insult connoting the same, to become a term for a ruffian (mid 20th century). It was in this sense it was used in Punk Rock from 1976 onwards.

2. TRUE: Someone who does what he or she wants because they like doing it, and not giving a fuck about what other people think.

3. FALSE: Someone who can't think for themselves, so imitates people from category 2 above, in an attempt to look kewl.
1. Punk was the English term for the French Apache - see George Orwell's Down & Out in Paris and London for details.

2. The most truly Punk thing that Johnny Rotten did was to quit the Sex Pistols and form PIL.

3. Busted were fake punks, who have now thankfully split up.
by Dr Pinch July 24, 2006
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