12 definitions by Don Johnson

One of the original and now nearly extinct gaming stores that was bought out by and inevitably changed to Game Stop. Only a choice few remain unscathed whilst waiting for their lease to run up under the name funco land where they'll then change it to gamestop.
by Don Johnson April 8, 2005
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An American Eagle wallet that folds thrice but doesnt fold your money in a weird way. No joke.
"Dude, ask me how many times it folds!"
"Fuck you and your lame-core wallet."
by Don Johnson April 8, 2005
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One of the most disrespectful and demeaning insults one can say.
"You Gaydos ass mothafucka"
by Don Johnson April 8, 2005
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Every tuesday night an event at the Pirates Cove where Justin goes to get jumped and I sit at home and sulk 'cause I'm only 17 and can't go yet.
"We're going to 80's night tonight"
"I cant believe you'd ditch me for that"
"get a fake id"
"well I guess I could use my brother's old one"
"do it, dude"
"Yeah, but then itd say I'm 22 and I could barely pass for 15."
by Don Johnson April 8, 2005
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A lame-core phrase lame-core girls say at the end of any and all myspace comments/bulletins/what-have-you
Subject: SEX!

Body: Now that I've got your attention, comment on my new pix.

by Don Johnson April 8, 2005
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A common nick name and surrogate phrase for the fags in the band fall out boy
"Did you go to fall out boy tonight?"
"No I didnt go to fall out fucking fall out fags"
by Don Johnson April 8, 2005
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You dont know who blanco meow is?
Bro - we're totally gonna find Blanco Meow soon.
by Don Johnson April 8, 2005
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