44 definitions by Dennisisevil

A really lousy place to watch movies or go for a date. You get to watch the movie on a screen a mile away and listen to it on scratchy antique speakers.

Supposedly you could make out there. That is if you ignore the minivan full of retarded hilljack kids gawking at you all damn day. It's also a great place to get herpes as the bathrooms haven't been cleaned since sometime during the `70s.
Drive-ins were really popular during the 70s.
by Dennisisevil May 5, 2006
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Someone who considers it his or her sworn to duty to act like a complete ass at all times.
Assclownery: the act of being an assclown.
Anybody from the show jackass is an assclown
by Dennisisevil October 15, 2005
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A huge waste of money. You'll spend assloads to get a worthless degree. Once you get out you will spend every single second of your day being harassed by the AES nazis while you're struggling to find a job. Don't laugh too hard at the guy at McDonald's flipping hamburgers you'll be there too once you graduate and more than likely he'll be your manager.

You also get the joy of listening to a bunch of dumbass ex-hippy professors try to fill your head with Communism and pointless dogma that's as worthless as tits on a bull in the real world.

Spending your student loan on lottery tickets is a more realistic goal than hoping to land a decent job with your degree.
Jim went to college and was a pompous ass thinking he'd get a great job out of it. Now he mows lawns.
by Dennisisevil September 8, 2006
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A great alternative for when you can't smoke. Camel Snus is the best. Such a sin only a fistful of stores on the east coast sell it. You can also save the little tin for stuff like loose change. While the tin says the flavor lasts up to 30 minutes I have chewed some for up to 3 hours.
I do Snus because it gives me knowledge.
by Dennisisevil February 8, 2008
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Anywhere a sausage party is taking place. Namely anywhere the number of guys far exceeds the number of women.
Man, That place is sausage-central. There ain't one chick anywhere.
by Dennisisevil October 16, 2005
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An annoying bitch who always feels like every insignificant problem in her day is a disaster of Hurricane Katrina proportions. Anyone who so much as gives her the time of day is in for an endless session of hearing why her boyfriend is such an asshole or how she's fat because she can't wear size 0 jeans along with an allday crying marathon.

If you value your sanity avoid these psychic vampires like the clap or you'll never have a minute's peace.
My ex girlfriend is such a drama queen.
by Dennisisevil September 22, 2006
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An ugly obnoxious bitch. Waking up with one is the usual result of way too much booze and not enough wingmen.
I should really lay off the Jagerbombs I keep waking up beside a ditchpig.
by Dennisisevil March 21, 2007
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