11 definitions by Delicious Tuna Wanda

A slime-ball hoodlum with greasy hair and a greasy sneer. He packs a switch-blade knife, which he uses to intimidate nerds, geeks, and old ladies. The grease in his hair is an attraction to Cholas. Without this attraction, there would be no little Pachucos or Cholas.

The Pachuco is a coward. He will never pick on anyone who has the slightest chance of whooping his ass. He likes to have an audience of Cholas or other Pachucos when he frightens people.
All intelligent ladies pack heat when they go out in public. This makes it easier to shoot Pachucos when they step in front of you and start their intimidation routine. For a fine anti-Pachuco piece, I recommend the Taurus Judge.
by Delicious Tuna Wanda September 25, 2007
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Derogatory and insulting term for a female yuppie.

She drives a minivan or an SUV. While she drives, she watches movies on the DVD player. She holds a Starbucks Coffee and babbles on the cell phone while driving.

She has an attitude of entitlement, and is even more pushy than a New Yawwk Jew. She names her daughter Cassidy, Madison, Taylor, Bergman, or Sasquatch. She always votes for Hillary Clinton because she is wealthy enough to shield her income from taxes. If her name is Karen or Judy, she changes it to Taylor or some other masculine name.
Jackson is a soccer mom. Stay out of her way when she drives, and hang on to your wallet when she votes.
by Delicious Tuna Wanda September 25, 2007
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The adjective that describes length.
All you short guys like to say, "It's not how long it is that matters; it's what you do with it."
by Delicious Tuna Wanda September 25, 2007
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So you want to be a Yuppie? Here's what you have to do.
Never act masculine. Masculine is macho, you know, and all the soccer moms just HATE anything masculine.
Never learn how to drive a stick shift like a man. Drive a wussy automatic, just like an old grandma. Or a chimpanzee. Step on your brakes all the time, just like an old lady. Ride your brakes going down all hills. Never learn how to gear down your transmission or take it out of overdrive.
Cultivate arrogance. Wear it on your face as a smug expression. Always talk down to waiters and service people, to let them know you're a hot-shit Yuppie. To prove your worth, always blow a trumpet fanfare when you lock your car. Be the first Yuppie on the block to buy a set of trumpets that blow when you lock your house. Everyone wants to hear trumpets, and they will all look up to you in awe and admiration.
Always jabber and prattle on your cell phone like an old lady gossiping. Everyone who sees you will admire you.
Learn to call problems "issues," just like a soccer mom. All the soccer moms will admire you for that.
Tell everyone you're going on vacation in Cancun or St. Tropez. That will surely score you big points with the soccer moms.
Always carry a PDA. The more useless things it does, the better. Show everyone how it can dial a phone and remind you it's time to go for your manicure. For extra points, let it remind you to go for a pedicure.
When a crowd is listening, pick up your cell phone and talk LOUDLY. Say "buy 40,000 shares of IBM."
Wherever you go, assume an air of entitlement. You are entitled to take your dog inside stores, despite the NO DOGS signs. You are entitled to use your cell phone in the movies. You are entitled to two parking spaces.
Trent is an insipid, smirking Yuppie. He is entitled to park his Lexus in the handicap parking place because he'll only be in the store for 20 minutes.
by Delicious Tuna Wanda September 29, 2007
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