7 definitions by Danny Blaine

When a girl touches a guy's dick with her arm.

Referenced in Kenny Vs. Spenny
Spenny: She touched my dick, doesn't that count as a handjob?
Cameraman: Nice armjob
by Danny Blaine March 9, 2012
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Something that is as real as a porno
Guy 1: How the hell is Dylan married to Nicole? They're 16 and I've never seen them together.

Guy 2: Its a Facebook Marriage, of course its fake!
by Danny Blaine June 18, 2011
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The people who appreciate life more than the average person.

Think about how many teachers, musicians, writers, directors, actors, republicans, parents, lawyers, doctors, clerks, patients, artists, painters, etc. smoke weed every day
Asshole: He's such a stoner
Smart Guy: You're just jealous cause he sold more albums than you, it rocks to be a stoner!
by Danny Blaine August 16, 2011
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Some of the most successful people who are looked down upon by idiotic alcoholics, coke heads, and/or those who are insecure about themselves. Ignorant people say that being smoking weed (everyday) is bad but the fact of the matter is, weed is the greatest and most harmless thing to put in your body.
Tommy Chong and Marc Emery are my heroes and they are both stoners.
by Danny Blaine September 13, 2011
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Sexual acts done while using the program skype, similar to cyber sex
Flora: I want cyber sex!
Rex: I want skype and sex!
Flora: How about cyber sex mixed with skype?
Rex: You mean skyper sex?!
by Danny Blaine October 25, 2011
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Any hat that looks pimpin
Guy 1: Nice mask, dude
Guy 2: Fosho, I got my Pimp Hat on!
by Danny Blaine July 31, 2011
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Awesome music that makes people dance like fools
Chad: This song is eargasmic but why is everyone dancing weird?
Max: Its dubstep, who can blame them?
by Danny Blaine June 22, 2011
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