19 definitions by Challbaby82

Someone who suffers from Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome.
"That girl suffers from PSAS. She is a Psasian"
by Challbaby82 June 3, 2016
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When sleeping during the night if a guy has an overly intelligent girlfriend it is possible to steal a few brain cells from his girlfriend if their heads are touching each other in just the right way. She will wake up just as intelligent because she has an endless supply of brain cells however the guy will wake up feeling smarter every time. It also helps the transfer if the guy is holding on to her almost like he is trapping her in his arms.
"I feel smarter today. I think that brain cell transfer worked."
by Challbaby82 June 8, 2016
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A woman who exhudes sex appeal on both land and in water. She has an innate ability to look like she could be either from the sea or from land. This is similar to a mermaid yet they are even better because they also walk among us.
Guy 1:"That girl sitting in the park is so damn sexy!"
Guy 2: "I know bro, I also saw her at the lake yesterday. She's definitely an amphibious goddess!"
by Challbaby82 June 28, 2016
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When the concrete pump hopper becomes low and the mixer driver is washing out into the hopper when he is not supposed to The pump operator notices and splooges concrete all over his face and truck. The concrete money shot.
Guy 1: Hey look mixer drivers washing out in your hopper again
Pump operator: "Time for the concrete splooge!" Pumps the water all out the back and all over the concrete truck
by Challbaby82 September 17, 2019
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When you are fucking a chic and she squirts out of her ass a little poo.
"Damn girl! That was a Mississippi firecracker!"
by Challbaby82 June 25, 2016
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Fat bitches who go to concerts hours early to save a spot and then get mad when they begin to get tired and skinny sexy ladies begin to needle their way through thus ensuring that they will not get to touch a rockstar are called hog blossoms.
Girl: "I just shook that rockstar's hand! Yay!!"
Guy: "That's awesome! I was scared for a minute we wouldn't make it through the hog blossoms."
by Challbaby82 June 25, 2016
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