2 definitions by Cash M Frost

1) Term used to describe or acknowledge any female you would not associate with under normal conditions.

2) Term used during social gatherings to rate female attendees.
Guy 1: Dude, that girl is at least an 8
Guy 2: not me, I'll give her a 2...Tall Cans that is!
by Cash M Frost September 15, 2006
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1) Any female who's physical attributes are less then desirable but posses a hair style of a more attractive female.

2) Having to perform a "double take" as a result of ones first glance yielded a possible hot chick, but in fact the female was a DUFF with hot chick hair.
Guy 1: Dude, did you see that hot chick??
Guy 2: Yeah, but she was hella ugly!
Guy 1: Oh, I must of thought that because she had hot chick hair!
Guy 2: Its cool bro, it happens to the best of us!
by Cash M Frost September 4, 2006
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