73 definitions by Carl Willis

n. A chatroom or online game server populated with inexperienced and / or juvenile members. The term is pejorative. See also noob.
b3dw3tt3r >> we are so gonna hack the FBI tomorrow nite....come chek out my IRC channel #1337ha><0rz !11

o|-|CoRdYcEpS >> That's it, I'm outta here. What a fucking noobshop! Get a life u n00bs!
by Carl Willis April 3, 2005
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n. A fine effort. This phrase is in the vocabulary of most (if not all) school PE coaches and is commonly used to compliment a player or team for acceptable performance.
"Let's pack it on in, guys...good hustle, good hustle!!"
by Carl Willis February 7, 2005
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verb. westinghoused; westinghousing: fr. name of American inventor George Westinghouse. To put a person to death in an electric chair (which in early embodiments were operated from an AC power supply). The attachment of Mr. Westinghouse's name to the electric chair was a form of negative advertizing devised by Thomas Edison.
"The Rosenbergs were westinghoused at Sing Sing Prison yesterday for treason, and the bodies were sent to the morgue in nine-dollar pine caskets."
by Carl Willis January 20, 2006
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n. The act of touring through the poor side of town to gawk and make fun of the inhabitants there, usually with a group of one's friends. Notably an activity of insecure rich white kids.
Matt: Hey Jimmie, you wanna cut out after school in my dad's Hummer and do some slumming?

Jim: Hell yeah! I love knowing that there's plenty of trash out there to keep the burgers flippin'.
by Carl Willis July 22, 2004
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n. (fr. Joe Lieberman + Democrat) A closeted Republican; A neoconservative wingnut parading as a member of the Democratic Party because of political expediency. Someone who has checked all reason and responsibility at the Senate door.
Republicans and liebercrats voted last night to drop a nuclear weapon on Iran in order to "send a message" that the pursuit of nuclear weapons there was morally wrong.
by Carl Willis September 25, 2007
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Contraction of "I'm gonna," itself a contraction of "I am going to." A common element in Ebonics dialogue.
"You just watch me girl, 'cause I'ma bounce dat nigga right out da do'!"
by Carl Willis October 31, 2005
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n. (Military jargon) The essential workings of a nuclear or thermonuclear weapon. The "physics package" is designed by scientists at a weapons lab and comprises all the nuclear reactants used in the device, such as plutonium, lithium deuteride, etc. The military then decides how to deploy it (missiles, bombs, backpacks).
Military weaponeer: "The B-66A is an advanced, bunker-busting, anti-raghead weapon that is based on the Los Alamos E-1337 physics package. The guidance system uses a special neural network code to identify and deliver the device against brown-skinned persons of the Muslim persuasion..."

Dick Cheney: (Evil grin) "We're pleased with your rapid progress. The so-called "Ramadan" starts next month!"
by Carl Willis October 18, 2004
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