28 definitions by Captain Slappy

Taking LSD and exctasy together.
Man we wnet trolling and the club last night and blew the fuck up!!!
by Captain Slappy July 11, 2008
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When you are recieving head, pull out and squirt her in the eye. Then kick her in the shin. When she's hobbling around with one eye, you steal her purse and run.
I banged a highclass callgirl and made money in the deal, I gave her a Dirty Jewish Pirate.
by Captain Slappy July 11, 2008
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Bodda was Kurt Cobain's imaganary friend when he was a child.
Hello Bodda
by Captain Slappy July 11, 2008
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When your getting ready to have sex with a woman and she makes fun of your small penis. So you slip her a ruffie and when she passes out, you stuff cans of Chicken by the Sea Tuna fish up her ass. Then you dig through her purse and use her lipstick to write Charlie on her forehead.
That chick I picked up at the bar last night dissed me so I ran a filthy fisherman on her.
by Captain Slappy July 11, 2008
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